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Eleventy Edge Added in v2.0.0


A plugin to run Eleventy in an Edge Function to add dynamic content to your Eleventy sites.

This feature is considered experimental and requires Eleventy v2.0.0 or higher. Our first release is limited to Netlify Edge Functions support only.

Eleventy Edge is an exciting new way to add dynamic content to your Eleventy templates. With a simple Eleventy shortcode you can opt-in a part of your Eleventy template to run on an Edge server, allowing your site to use dynamic, user-specific content!

Here are a few ideas:

  • Any user personalized content (User accounts, premium-only content, AB testing)
  • Accessing/setting HTTP Headers (e.g. Cookies, Save-Data, Client Hints, etc)
  • Handling Forms
  • Using Geolocation information to localize content
  • A zero-clientside JavaScript Dark mode/Light mode toggle

Try out the demos

How does it work?

If you don’t yet have an Eleventy project, go through the Get Started Guide first and come back here when you’re done!

1. Installation

The Eleventy Edge plugin is bundled with Eleventy, but do note that the plugin requires version v2.0.0 or newer.

At time of initial launch, you will need to use Netlify CLI to run Eleventy Edge locally (netlify-cli version 10.0.0 or higher).

npm install netlify-cli

2. Add to your configuration file

Filename .eleventy.js
const { EleventyEdgePlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
Expand to read about the advanced options (you probably don’t need these)
const { EleventyEdgePlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyEdgePlugin, {
// controls the shortcode name
name: "edge",

// Used for the default deno import URL
eleventyEdgeVersion: "1.0.0",

// Version check for the Edge runtime
compatibility: ">=2",

// controls where the Edge Function bundles go
functionsDir: "./netlify/edge-functions/",

// Directory to write the import_map.json to
// Also supported: `false`
importMap: "./.netlify/edge-functions/",

The above plugin will automatically generate an Eleventy Edge Function file for you at: ./netlify/edge-functions/eleventy-edge.js.

Expand to see a sample Eleventy Edge Function

Note that Edge Functions run in Deno so they require ESM (import not require).

import {
} from "./_generated/eleventy-edge-app.js";

export default async (request, context) => {
try {
let edge = new EleventyEdge("edge", {
precompiled: precompiledAppData,

// default is [], add more keys to opt-in e.g. ["appearance", "username"]
cookies: [],

edge.config((eleventyConfig) => {
// Run some more Edge-specific configuration
// e.g. Add a sample filter
eleventyConfig.addFilter("json", (obj) => JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2));

return await edge.handleResponse();
} catch (e) {
console.log("ERROR", { e });

Read more about Netlify’s Edge Functions

3. Additions to .gitignore

# Netlify generated stuff

# Eleventy Edge Build Data files

4. netlify.toml

If you don’t already have a netlify.toml, expand this to view a sample starter.
Filename netlify.toml
framework = "#static"
command = "npx @11ty/eleventy --quiet --watch"

command = "npx @11ty/eleventy"
publish = "_site"

Add this to your netlify.toml file.

Filename netlify.toml
function = "eleventy-edge"
path = "/*"

eleventy-edge points to the file that was created above at ./netlify/edge-functions/eleventy-edge.js. Using path= "/*" will run Eleventy Edge on all of the pages on your site. You can change this setting to something more granular (e.g. path = "/" for just the home page).

5. Make your content template

Here we are making a simple template file. We can use the {% edge %} shortcode to run the Liquid template syntax inside on the Edge server.

Filename index.liquid
The content outside of the `edge` shortcode is generated with the Build.

{% edge %}
The content inside of the `edge` shortcode is generated on the Edge.

{{ eleventy | json }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.njk
The content outside of the `edge` shortcode is generated with the Build.

{% edge %}
The content inside of the `edge` shortcode is generated on the Edge.

{{ eleventy | dump(2) }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.11ty.js
module.exports = async function(data) {
return `The content outside of the \`edge\` shortcode is generated with the Build.

${await this.edge(`The content inside of this.edge() is generated on the Edge.
{{ eleventy | json }}
</pre>, "liquid")}

As documented in Limitations, we are using liquid here because 11ty.js is not yet supported as an Edge content target.

Learn more about the edge shortcode.

6. Run your local server

npx netlify dev

Navigation to index.liquid by going to http://localhost:8888/ in your browser. (Double check your console output to make sure the port is 8888).

Learn More

Always Escape Input

When using any dynamic user input (via query parameters or cookies), the values here should be treated as potentially malicious user input and you must escape these if you use them in templates. The way to do this is template language specific.

  • Liquid has both an escape and escape_once filter.
  • Nunjucks has autoescape turned on by default. If you’ve disabled it, you can use the escape filter.
  • Read more at the Layouts documentation, which lists both methods for escaped and unescaped output in template languages.

edge shortcode examples

Changing the Template Language of the edge Content

In what might feel familiar to folks that have used the Render plugin, adding an additional argument to the edge shortcode allows you to change the content’s template language. If no argument is specified, it uses the template syntax of the parent template.

If you use the edge shortcode inside of a layout file, it’s best to explicitly specify the template language!
Filename index.liquid
{% edge "md" %}
# Markdown Heading
{% endedge %}
Filename index.njk
{% edge "md" %}
# Markdown Heading
{% endedge %}
Filename index.11ty.js
module.exports = async function (data) {
return `
${await this.edge("# Markdown heading", "md")}

Passing Build-time Data to your Edge Function

Edge content is a separate template, processed and built on the Edge. As such it has no access to your build’s data cascade. However, you can pass data in to be re-used!

When the build data argument is a literal (a string or number), it is mapped to _ in the template.

Filename index.liquid
name: Zach
{% edge "liquid,md" name %}
# Markdown heading for {{ _ }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.njk
name: Zach
{% edge "liquid,md", name %}
# Markdown heading for {{ _ }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.11ty.js = {
name: "Zach",

module.exports.render = async function (data) {
return `
${await this.edge("# Markdown heading for {{ _ }}", "liquid,md",}

When the build data argument is an object, the object properties are available as top-level globals in the template.

Filename index.liquid
name: Zach
{% edge "liquid,md" buildData %}
# Markdown heading for {{ name }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.njk
name: Zach
{% edge "liquid,md", buildData %}
# Markdown heading for {{ name }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.11ty.js = {
buildData: {
name: "Zach",

module.exports.render = async function (data) {
return `
${await this.edge(
"# Markdown heading for {{ name }}",


Add Global Data to your Edge Function

If you open up your generated netlify/edge-functions/eleventy-edge.js file, you’ll notice that you are able to run your own arbitrary configuration code on Edge. This means you can run eleventyConfig.addGlobalData to add your own global data to the edge templates. Any data you add here will automatically be available as a global inside of any {% edge %} shortcodes without having to pass it as an argument.

Filename netlify/edge-functions/eleventy-edge.js
 import { EleventyEdge, precompiledAppData } from "./_generated/eleventy-edge-app.js";
+import searchData from "./_generated/search-data.js";

export default async (request, context) => {
try {
let edge = new EleventyEdge("edge", {
precompiled: precompiledAppData,

edge.config((eleventyConfig) => {
+ eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("search", searchData);

return await edge.handleResponse();
} catch (e) {
console.log("ERROR", { e });

Notably, the above adds a search global from a file we’ve created to populate search data. Now we can reference it in our templates like so:

Filename index.liquid
{% edge "liquid" %}
{{ search | json }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.njk
{% edge "liquid" %}
{{ search | json }}
{% endedge %}
Filename index.11ty.js
module.exports.render = async function (data) {
return `
${await this.edge("{{ search | json }}", "liquid")}

Frequently Asked Questions


  • The edge shortcode is only available in async-friendly template languages. Right now that includes: 11ty.js, njk, liquid, and markdown (requires another pre-processing language, and the default is Liquid). You can find a bunch of different test cases and examples on demo-eleventy-edge
  • Content inside of the edge shortcode (rendered on the Edge) is further limited to liquid, njk, or markdown.

How does it compare to Serverless?

They can be used together! Eleventy Edge can be used to process both serverless and build templates. Keep in mind that Edge functions are not cached so if you want to use them with Serverless, you’ll likely get the most value out pairing with On-demand Builders.

Other pages in Official Plugins: