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Eleventy Firehose
This page shows activity from the Eleventy Blog, Quick Tips, YouTube channel, Mastodon account, and all GitHub releases (all of 11ty
org repositories).
Eleventy Ecosystem Small Release Smorgasbord №2
1️⃣ Image https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-img/releases/tag/v6.0.1
2️⃣ PostHTML URLs https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-posthtml-urls/releases/tag/v1.0.1
3️⃣ RSS https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss/releases/tag/v2.0.3
New on the 11ty YouTube channel:
Start Your Escape from WordPress Using 11ty (in 3 minutes!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuH5QYCdh6w
Eleventy Ecosystem Small Release Smorgasbord
1️⃣ Dev Server https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-dev-server/releases/tag/v2.0.5
2️⃣ Import https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-import/releases/tag/v1.0.9
3️⃣ ESM Dependency Tree https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-dependency-tree-esm/releases/tag/v1.0.2
4️⃣ Prelease: Eleventy https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/releases/tag/v3.0.1-alpha.2 and https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/releases/tag/v3.0.1-alpha.3
The Eleventy Super Professional Linkedin Certification Program is in full swing: https://www.11ty.dev/blog/certification/
New proposal on the issue tracker to add first-party support for TypeScript in Eleventy core (in pairing with Node’s upcoming type stripping feature) https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/3616
New Quick Tip on the YouTube Channel: an Eleventy Image Quickstart!
Learn how to get up and running with Eleventy Image in 2 minutes!
11ty Bundle Issue №64 from @bobmonsour
Eleventy — 2024 in Review: https://www.11ty.dev/blog/review-2024/
How did we do this year?
Eleventy Image v6 is already in use on https://www.11ty.dev/
🖼️ Eleventy Image v6.0.0 has just shipped and it’s a big one!
1️⃣ Better p3 color support
2️⃣ Native `fetch()`
3️⃣ `transform` hooks for advanced `sharp` usage
4️⃣ sizes="auto"
…and many more features and bug fixes!
Full release notes: https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-img/releases/tag/v6.0.0
New, simplified docs: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/
New minor release: 🐶🦴 Fetch v5.0.2
Use this package to add a configurable cache layer around any remote fetch.
Release notes: https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-fetch/releases/tag/v5.0.2
Official docs: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/fetch/
https://henry.codes/ is gorgeously #BuiltWithEleventy by @henry 🏆 (and they are available for hire, too)
Pre-release testers wanted for a very big Eleventy Image v6 release:
Granular control over transform failures
Keep ICC profiles by default
Transform hook for low-level sharp control (cropping!)
`sizes=auto` support
Option to swap to smallest fallback size
Preserve attributes (<picture class>)
wordpress.org is #BuiltUsingEleventy with `<is-land>` on *every* page 👀
Get `<is-land>`: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/is-land/
Get `<snow-fall>`: https://github.com/zachleat/snow-fall
New core canary dropped: v3.0.1-alpha.1 https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/releases/tag/v3.0.1-alpha.1 includes Import Attributes support, better support for colocating assets with `html-relative` passthrough copy, improved build performance over v3.0, and many bug fixes!
happy <html>olidays from our dumpster to yours
This #11ty community member has a Service Workers question, if someone can please help! https://hachyderm.io/@tthew/113639483479914321
Remembering this single <div> 11ty Possum mascot from @lynnandtonic (October 2022) today: https://a.singlediv.com/#rise