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For folks just starting out, here are some introductions to Eleventy:
And for folks wanting to start building a blog:
And a few conversion walkthroughs:
And a grab bag of content:
Put it on the web
- Put your new site on the web! Read more about Deployment
Adding Features
- Create Your Own Search without a Third Party Service by Phil Hawksworth
- Lightweight lazy loading with Netlify Large Media by Phil Hawksworth
- Multilingual sites with Eleventy (i18n, Internationalization) by Jérôme Coupé
- Language switcher for multilingual Jamstack sites (i18n, Internationalization) by Jérôme Coupé
- Adding Algolia Search to Eleventy and Netlify by Raymond Camden. (Also see part two)
- Eleventy and Cloudinary images (Setting up responsive images in Eleventy using Cloudinary) by Sia Karamalegos
- Supporting Multiple Authors in an Eleventy Blog by Raymond Camden. (Also see part two)
- Accessing Eleventy Data on the Client Side by Raymond Camden
- Adding an Email Subscription to Your Jamstack Site by Raymond Camden
- Dynamic Short URLs with Eleventy by Raymond Camden
Using Third Party Data
- Sample Project: Import your Notist events to an Eleventy site by Phil Hawksworth
- Sample Project: Import your Medium posts to an Eleventy site by Phil Hawksworth
- Import your Disqus Comments into Eleventy by Zach Leatherman
- Static Indieweb pt1: Syndicating Content by Max Böck
- Static Indieweb pt2: Using Webmentions by Max Böck
- An In-Depth Tutorial of Webmentions + Eleventy by Sia Karamalegos
- Using Eleventy to Generate a Ghost Blog by David Darnes
- Consuming a headless CMS GraphQL API with Eleventy by Jérôme Coupé
- Import Tweets from Twitter API by Dennis Hagemeier
- Convert a WordPress blog to Eleventy by Josh Cunningham
- Integrating Contentful with Eleventy to create static sites by Shy Ruparel
- Creating an 11ty Photo Gallery with Contentful and GitHub actions by Shy Ruparel
- Adding Google Calendar to your JAMStack by Raymond Camden
- Integrating Google Analytics with Eleventy by Raymond Camden
- Hooking Up FaunaDB to Eleventy by Raymond Camden
- Building a Database Driven Eleventy Site by Raymond Camden
- Integrating Eleventy with GitHub Flat Data by Raymond Camden